JazzKLUB / “Laborka”, or the showpiece of jazz Krakow
Narodowej Orkiestry Symfonicznej Polskiego Radia, Chamber Hall (Katowice)
This band has more than half a century of history if we don't count the break of a dozen years arranged by Janusz Grzywacz and Marek Stryszowski at the turn of the century. They debuted in 1971 at Gitariada '71, a festival they organised in Nowa Huta, Krakow, which introduced fusion and jazz-rock elements to the Polish scene. Over the years, they have developed their style, which has been compared to that of the American group Weather Report, consisting, especially in the early period, of experimenting with instrumentation and combining different types of sound. Laborka ("Lab"), as they are colloquially called, is undoubtedly a showpiece of jazz Krakow and, simultaneously, a top spot on the list of Polish bands of all time. Maria Wilczek-Krupa Concert duration: approximately 90 minutes